
Warning: If you’ve been asked by a seemingly reputable business to pay them with Gift Cards it is most likely a scam. Find out more, or how to identify a scam here

Warning: If you’ve been asked by a seemingly reputable business to pay them with Gift Cards it is most likely a scam. Find out more, or how to identify a scam here

We'll put you first

When you choose to share your personal information with us, we’ll put it to work to give you more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

We’ll use data to create more relevant products, services, marketing offers and communication that all come together to help make your life easier.

We'll keep it simple

We want you to understand what we do and why we do it, so we’ll make privacy as simple as possible. 

You’ll find everything you need to know in straightforward language, helping you to make informed choices.

We'll keep your data safe

It’s a privilege to work with your personal information and we owe it to you to keep it safe and secure.

That’s why we invest in industry-leading policies, practices and systems, and work only with partners we trust.

Woolworths Gift Cards is part of the Woolworths Group Learn more about how we look after your privacy